Planning a solo trip – 20 tips for female travelers : Before we start discussing in this blog lets talk about few important statistics of solo travelling.
Did you know ?
Recent research report show that out of all the Travelers who travel globally around 84% solo Travelers are female with only 16% are male travelers.
Ok here you go the next one 59% of the solo female Travelers said that they want to do it again. Sounds interesting right ??
Ok so another interesting fact, did you know that the #solo travel has over 7.5 millions posts on Instagram in 2022.
Now that is some interesting facts of course, which should excite you to start thinking about making a solo trip in the near future. Isn’t it ?
Why traveling alone as a woman is beneficial?
Travelling has to be one of the best ways to see the world and the beautiful things surrounding us. It helps you realize a lot of things about this world which you may not have experienced before hand. Not only that, it helps travelers to meet so many people of different religion, cast, creed, nationality and there is so much to learn from each one of them.
If you are a woman and you plan to do solo travelling, just go for it , knowing the fact that you would definitely bring back a lot of memories with yourselves when you complete the trip.
You would be astonished to know so many things about you which would make you happy which you may have not realized earlier.
We rarely get chances to sit with yourselves in this busy world and do a self realization check. Solo travelling will give you that opportunity to do that.
In this blog, we have prepared a 20 pointer checklist for all women out there if you want to travel solo for your next trip.

20 tips for solo female travelers
1. Always inform someone where you are heading
If you are travelling solo, and its not about female or male travelers, the best thing to do always is to inform someone where exactly you are going and what is your itinerary or at least which are the places you are planning to cover. This is a good safety measure which you need to cover if you are planning a solo trip. If you get stuck somewhere or ran into any issues, the people informed can be always come handy.
2. Carry sufficient cash and essential equipment
Always carry enough cash with you if you are traveling for a solo trip, especially in areas where its remote or in areas where are you doing mountain trekking into higher altitudes where ATM and other necessary amenities will be hard to come by. So while packing things, do make a checklist to include the most essential things and of course some extra cash.
3. Don’t keep all of your money in one place
In our earlier point, we told you to keep enough cash with you while doing a trekking or while going on a remote area but you need to ensure that you are not keeping a lot of cash into one place because in case any theft or any misplacement happens, you will at least get some amount of money which might be handful when you need the most. So tuck away cash in different areas in your luggage.
4. Keep the important emergency numbers handy
Always keep the emergency numbers of your parents and your closest friends and relatives handy with you if you are planning to do a solo trip. Other then saving it in mobile, save it in a Notepad or a diary and keep it in your backpack which might be really useful when you actually need it.
You can also save numbers as a speed dial on your mobile phone.
Apart from that, if you are travelling in a group keep the contact numbers of all the people you are traveling with, as a part of safety measure.
5. Keep location unknown on Social Media
In the age of social media everyone wants to post something or let their friends and family know what they are doing every minute but we are sure you have not seen the negative side of social media yet. So while travelling please make sure that your location is discrete and you don’t need to mention any specific location or the exact name and location of hotel or hostel where you are staying or moving into. If someone is stalking he or she should not know the exact location of yours.

6. Keep your important documents safely
Important documents like passport, driving licenses or any other government Id’s, if you are carrying with you please make sure that you keep it in a safe place and away from everybody. If you are staying in an hotel or hostel, make sure that you put it in a locker.
If you’re moving from one place to another try keeping the documents somewhere so that it does not get lost or misplaced. Always carry it with you and you can try to keep a small handbag with you just to make sure you have all the documents together with you every time. Always check documents before checking out of hotel
7. Choose your accommodation after proper planning
Always try to book reputed Hotel or hostels when you go solo or in a group which has prior experience. In order to save just a few bucks you don’t want to land yourself in trouble. So always try to book your hotel in accessible and known places if you are travelling solo.
8. Do not carry valuable belongings with you
It is advisable for Solo female Travelers not to carry valuable belongings if you are making a solo trip. Belongings such as ear studs, rings, nose rings, necklace or anything of that sort which is something very valuable is better be kept at home while travelling solo.
9. Consider local traditions when it comes to clothing
Try to carry clothes which matches the local culture and tradition of the place you are travelling because that is how you will be perceived. If you are going to remote place or a religious place you definitely not want to wear shorts or miniskirts and roam around.
So choose your clothing wisely as per the local customs. And for that you need to study a little about the place beforehand.
10. Learn Local Language
If you are travelling in a place where the languages that you know are not much used there, then we suggest you to learn a little bit at least the basics of the local language people use there.
This really might be useful for you to communicate if you are planning to do a solo trip . This will always come handy.

11. Try to use local transport
Is always advisable if you’re going to a new place alone as a solo female traveler, the first thing you should try is to use the local transport. When we say local transport we mean public transport as private transport should be the last option if you are planning a trip.
So if you’re going for a solo please try to frame the Idea beforehand, how you will move from one place to another. if train tickets are required book it in advance or if bus tickets are required book in advance so that you don’t need to face the situation to use private vehicles while moving from one place to another.
12. Make sure your transport vehicle is not empty
This is specifically for situation when you are using a private transport or in some cases public transport as well after sunset. Always keep your ear and your eyes open, if you see that your vehicle is becoming empty and people are coming down before you. You don’t want to be the last one in that vehicle, so try to get down as early as possible and then take another mode of transport if required.
13. Try not to accept food from strangers
On your trip you would meet many unknown people. This would be a nice experience meeting so many different people with different culture and tradition, but it is always advisable not to accept any kind of food or drinks when you are commuting or you are having a chat from random strangers.
There has been instances where people have been tricked or robbed in a certain place after their co travelers have offered them food. So be mindful of it.
14. Try to arrange group tours while travelling solo
Given the opportunity, if you are planning to go for a solo trip try to opt for group tours consisting of other fellow solo travelers. There are multiple group tours which gets conducted. So you can join them. Try to go for any reputed group it would be very nice experience for you
15. Always be prepared
As a solo female Traveler always be prepared for any kind of situation as there can be anything unpredictable which can happen.
Example on one fine day if you have started late to go to a place and you know that there can be a situation where you can get stuck in the middle of the road maybe due to snow or anything, just make sure you have a heavy breakfast before you start out, so you don’t get starved throughout the day till you get a proper food.

16. Get proper Insurance Coverage for international travel
This point is specially made for female travelers who are travelling out of the country. This is a very very crucial point to make sure that you have sufficient insurance coverage before you plan your journey. There can be any situation where you can get sick or may be unwell and get admitted to a clinic or a hospital. The cost of admission and treatment can vary depending on the country that you are visiting. It can shell out a huge amount of money from your pocket, so just make sure that you always have a proper insurance
17. Carry something for self defense
It is a very good practice to carry something with you for self defense, because you never know what situation you can encounter in your trip. Self defense object like pepper spray or maybe something which is sharp or anything which can help you in any critical moment. Please make sure that you carry something like this with you, if you are a female Traveler traveling solo to any part of the world.
18. Don’t drink too much
If you are going to multiple restaurants or pubs or attending parties in foreign countries or somewhere you have never been before, just make sure that you don’t drink too much. It is not advisable if you are travelling solo. You can get a lot of unwanted attraction which you surely would not like in your memorable trip.
19. At times try to say a “No”
Specially when you are travelling solo you will often witness you getting unwanted attention specially if you are a female Traveler. So always try to say “No” and don’t think twice about it. It is absolutely fine to say a No to any requests from a random stranger. Trust us, this works a lot. Be brave and upfront.
20. Have a Fake story ready
Last but not the least, this would be quite an interesting thing if you’re planning a solo trip. Always keep of a fake story ready for yourself. You will meet lot of unknown people to whom you do not really want to share your travel itinerary. So while communicating do try to fake a story of your travel plan if someone asks you or shows interest, so that no one knows where exactly your moving or which places you are truly planning to visit.

Don’t get scared after reading the 20 pointer checklists. This is only provided just as a safety measure for every female traveler who are planning to do a solo trip. We always encourage everyone to go for solo, because that’s the best thing anyone can do and trust us it will be a memorable experience for your every time.
Once you get a hang of it, you wont be able to let this go.
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